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- News
- EU Soil Strategy Action Tracker launched by EUSO
- UK consultation on "forever chemicals"
- Consultation and survey on the management of excavated soils - closing date now February 7, 2025
- Paul Bardos delighted to accept CL:AIRE 25th Anniversary award
- Sustainable Remediation and Decommissioning in Practice
- The state of soils in Europe, 2024
- Looking for European soil datasets? Try ESDAC.
- PFAS Litigation Summarised
- Feedback requested on persistent organic pollutants - UV-328
- US EPA Benefits Mapper - Renewable Energy Projects on Contaminated Lands
- EU soil protection law survives, but considerably weakened
- China: guidance document on green and low-carbon remediation
- Is brownfield land the answer to the housing crisis?
- European Parliament adopts nature restoration law
- US$110M settlement for alleged PFAS contamination by Dupont in Ohio, USA
- Concawe: Case Studies and Analysis of Sustainable Remediation Techniques and Technologies
- Renewed UK Focus on brownfields re-use
- Soil Background and Risk Assessment Guidance
- EU soil strategy for 2030
- New Soil Strategy - healthy soil for a healthy life
- SANISOL a web tool to provide recommendations for users of potentially contaminated vegetable gardens in Wallonia (Belgium)
- Minimata Convention on Mercury 2021 - Guidance on the management of contaminated sites
- China Soil Law and Policy Provsions in English
- New Guidance on PFAS — Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
- Greener Cleanup Metrics
- Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Particles for Environmental Restoration
- Sustainable remediation: 4 minute animation
- Australia National Remediation Framework
- UN Environment Assembly resolution on soil pollution
- China Announces Control Standard for Soil Contamination
- Japanese knotweed: New advice to tackle a growing problem
- Projects
- Ukraine Mission Support
- Water Resources Management in Visitor Attractions - FIT4USE Water Recirculation Technology (LIFE4ZOO)
- Riverlinx Declarations
- Information-based Strategies for Land Remediation (ISLANDR)
- Remediation technology and biological treatment teaching, University of Reading
- Sustainable remediation case studies for AIST, Japan
- Support for the Review of the Defra Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites
- Enhanced and Innovative In Situ Biotechnologies for Contaminated Land Remediation
- Reconstructed Soils from Waste
- Proposal Writing Support for EU 2021 Teaming and Twinning Calls
- Concawe - Sustainable Remediation Case Studies
- Site assessment advice Central Europe
- Consultant World Bank - Contaminated Sites in Kosovo
- Valorisation of fibres from nettle grown on marginal lands in an agroforestry cropping system - sustainability assessment component
- Materials Management Planning for Skipton Properties
- International consulting Expert on Green Sustainable Remediation for GEF China Contaminated Site Management Project (China)
- Definition of Waste Code of Practice (DoW CoP)
- LIFE+ Proposal Writing Support
- Review of sustainable remediation indicators developed by AIST for remediation and restoration in Fukushima Prefecture
- Review of Annex 1 SuRF-UK Indicator Guidance
- Pops and Chemical Pollution Solutions through Area Based Eco effective Management in China (UNIDO & GEF)
- Retrieval for EU Funded Research Project Information on Mercury Contaminated Land
- Remediation decision making lecture
- Promoting Sino-UK collaboration on developing low carbon and sustainable methodologies for Brownfields and marginal land re-use in China
- Strategies for rehabilitating mercury-contaminated mining lands in Colombia
- Contaminated and brownfield land management policies in China
- SuRF-UK Preparation of Status Paper
- Taking Nanotechnological Remediation Processes from Lab Scale to End User Applications for the Restoration of a Clean Environment
- Balance people, planet, profit and process in a holistic approach towards brownfield regeneration
- Octopus Investments Advice
- NICOLE Lisbon Meeting Report
- Octopus Investments Renewables Advisory Board
- Market expectations and requirements for digestate - what are the options?
- Annotated bibliography: Evidence for digestate use in different UK markets
- Digestates from Anaerobic Digestion: A review of enhancement techniques, and novel digestate products
- Development and application of soil and water remediation products derived from agricultural crop residues; LINK LK0847
- Evaluation of In Situ Remediation Tenders
- CL:AIRE & EA Remediation Technologies Blended Learning Suite
- Guidance document on managing contaminated sediments
- Technical Guidance to Support the Reporting and Verification of NGP Bioremediation Projects
- HOlistic Management of Brownfield REgeneration (HOMBRE)
- Sustainable Remediation Forum UK Phases 2 and 3
- Crop Based Systems for Sustainable Risk Based Land Management for Economically Marginal Degraded Areas - Rejuvenate Phase 2
- Optimisation of data collection for mna assessment at former gasworks sites - evaluation and development of guidance
- A risk/benefit approach to the application of iron nanoparticles for the remediation of contaminated sites in the environment
- CRC-CARE Value-based Land Remediation
- The potential financial benefits of applying source-segregated composts to agricultural land
- International Processes for Identification and Remediation of Contaminated Land
- New Earth Solutions CLO Application Studies
- Collation of Sustainability Indicator Sets for the UK Sustainable Remediation Forum
- Assessment of the impact of the Nitrates Directive and Water Framework Directive on the potential use of quality composts in agriculture
- SURF-UK - Paper for remediation Journal
- Sednet Meeting Report 2009
- WRAP Framework: Technical Advisors
- National Grid Bioremediation Project Survey
- CLAIRE Ex Situ Bioremediation Training Module
- Crop Based Systems for Sustainable Risk Based Land Management for Economically Marginal Degraded Areas (Rejuvenate Phase 1)
- MBT Compost Like Output Nitrogen Availability Trials
- Advanced Plasma Power Consultancy
- Forest Research Market Consultancy
- Advice to Advanced Plasma Power Ltd
- RISKBASE / EUGRIS Interface for DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.
- Organics Specialist Advisors to WRAP
- New Earth Solutions Bioenergy Crop Trials - Phase 1
- MOKKA: Innovative Decision Support Tools for Risk Based Environmental Management
- European Information Survey for Regenesis
- Technical Support Essex CC
- Common Forum Information Bank
- Market development of composts derived from different organic waste streams
- CIWM Workshops
- European platform for demonstration of efficient soil and groundwater remediation
- Advice to ABB Engineering
- AQUATERRA: Integrated modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system: advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change
- Technical Support for the Markham Willows composting/SRC/land reclamation project 03/04
- Common Forum, January 2004 UK meeting
- Composting R&D with Earth Science Partnership
- EUGRIS European Contaminated Land and Groundwater Information Service, a web based portal - FP5 Project and ongoing hosting
- Collation of Existing Information on the Composting and Analysis of Feedstocks and Products of Mechanically Separated Fractions of Municipal Solid Waste
- Feasibility study for civic amenity waste recycling for Stockton on Tees Borough Council (2002)
- Technical support to a major insurer on a compost fire claim
- Detailed planning for the Markham Willows composting/SRC/land reclamation project
- Peer review of remedial options appraisal for a site in Israel for a major UK consultancy / contractor.
- Technical support for WRC PLC study on compost standards carried out for WRAP
- Non-biological case studies for CIRIA
- Compost production advice for a local authority
- Burden Mitigation On Small And Medium Enterprises Or Small Sites In European Countries
- Bioremediation case studies for CIRIA
- Study of the Benefits and Participation in a Selection of Non-military NATO/CCMS Pilot Studies and Ad Hoc Projects
- MTBE Issues Review
- Assistance with a Special Session for the NATO/CCMS Pilot Study on Contaminated Land
- Assistance With a Cost Model for an Integrated Approach to Biomass Production , Composting and Remediation
- Web site for exSite Research Limited
- CLARINET: Contaminated Land Rehabilitation Network For Environmental Technologies
- Blue Circle Special Cements
- ExSite Marginal Land Restoration: Information Review and Scoping Study
- Site Questionnaire And Information Management System For CLAIRE
- Environment Agency R&D Project No P5-023, Sustainable Remediation / Environmental Merit
- Technical support on composting for the Eden Project, a Millennium Project in Cornwall
- Contaminated Land Ready Reference
- Oxygen Release Compound® and Hydrogen Release Compound®: Technologies for In Situ Remediation
- Development of commercial / financial service products for recycling / land / waste management for a UK concern
- Assistance with contaminated land and waste management service development for LGC (Teddington) Ltd
- NICOLE Web Site, meeting reports and newsletter
- Book: Reclamation of Contaminated Land, Paul Nathanail and Paul Bardos, Wiley (London) 2004
- Advice on composting for Municipal Recycling Facilities in the UK and France for a UK company
- exSite Research Limited Technical Support
- Assistance with the International Ad Hoc Working Group on Contaminated Land
- Environment Agency R&D Project No P5-14, Demonstration of Remedial Action Technologies for Contaminated Land (NATO/CCMS Pilot Study
- CL:AIRE (Contaminated Land in Real Environments) Feasibility Study
- UK remediation market advice for a leading Dutch research organisation
- Composting Trials for a UK Consumer Group
- Review and Management of Research on Remediation Technologies
- Soil Washing Verification Review - Basford
- Advice on waste management for the Millennium Exhibition to a UK consultancy
- Assistance with the MSc on Contaminated Land Management at Nottingham University
- Publications
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- Environment Specialists Required
- Consultations