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A Summary of the UK's Participation in CLARINET and the NATO/CCMS Pilot Study during 1998 and 1999
The Agency has actively supported UK involvement in two international initiatives considering various aspects of the remediation of contaminated land:
- The Pilot Study on the "Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater"
- CLARINET: The Contaminated Land Rehabilitation Network for Environmental Technologies
In addition the Agency also attends meetings of a number of other international groups working on contaminated land, including the Ad Hoc Interntional Working Group for Contaminated Land and NICOLE, the Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe.
The specific objective of this project was to manage and support the UK input into the third phase of the Pilot Study and CLARINET, on behalf of the Agency and DETR, in order to enable the UK to continue to benefit from:
- Influencing international developments in remedial technologies;
- Participating in high quality technology and information exchange activities; and
- Maintaining and developing the UK's network of international contacts in the field.