Paul Bardos is a qualified person for the purposes of auditing materials management plans and submissions under the DoW CoP scheme. He is a trainer for the programme, and also an external auditor for it. DoW CoP helps facilitate this re-use within the precepts of the Waste Framework Directive, and so avoiding the expensive and wasteful disposal of excavated materials to landfill. This must follow the requirements of the English Environment Agency & Natural Resources Wales in an auditable way. The DoW CoP is a self-funding industry self-regulation scheme managed by the UK charity CL:AIRE ( under the auspices of the English and Welsh environmental regulators. The scheme was launched in 2008, and in 10 years from launch more than 200 million tonnes of materials have been recovered.
Definition of Waste Code of Practice (DoW CoP)
- Start Year: 2018
- End year: 2021
- Homepage: