Temporary storage stock piles of soil, Fukushima, Japan
r3 is a consultancy and research company specialising in the re-use of land and resources, the circular economy, contaminated sites / brownfields remediation and sustainable and risk based land management.
r3 carries out research projects, feasibility studies, technical consultancy, policy review and development, product and service development and environmental market entry, expert review and auditing and information management and networking. We also support organisations with European proposal development and drafting.
Our clients are global, including from the UK, Europe, China, Japan and the Americas, as well as multilateral international bodies.
r3 is a partner in a new initiative being co-ordinated by the Geological Survey of Finland GTK, which is a new research and innovation project related to the topic, ISLANDR ‒ Information-based Strategies for Land Remediation. The project aims to develop methods for identifying the sources of soil contamination and assessing the risks they cause.